Our Partner

We choose only the very best in the industry to work with us because we want the very best for our clients.

Go Global

GoGlobal is the world's fastest-growing, privately-owned Global Employer of Record (EOR) service provider, with a globally distributed and remote workforce. 

Establishing an entity in a new country takes time, money and expertise. GoGlobal’s technology enabled EOR solution allows businesses of all sizes and geographies to hire staff globally without the need to set up a local entity, opening new doors to rapid expansion and growth. 

At GoGlobal, we offer a combination of specialized knowledge in local HR regulations, statutory requirements, customary benefits, culture and hiring practices. Our team also provides the administrative acumen and due diligence to ensure your international employees are welcomed locally, onboarded efficiently and well-cared for throughout the entire employment tenure.

No in-country entity? No problem. GoGlobal does the work for you so you can hire the best talent where and when it makes sense for your business – quickly, cost-effectively and compliantly. We handle:

  • Payroll

  • Tax withholdings

  • Statutory and supplemental benefits

  • Visa and immigration

  • Onboarding tasks, including background checks and drug testing

  • Compliance with labor laws such as termination protocols

By partnering with GoGlobal, your company can hire the best talent for the job – regardless of where they are in the world. By knowing your business is operating compliantly and seamlessly, your team can then focus on the core business-growth activities that matter most.

Go Fast, Go Smart, GoGlobal.

Anoop Najran

Manager, Sales

